Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness
The latest Marvel Studios film to hit cinemas on 4th May 2022 and released to Disney plus on 22nd June 2022. Doctor Strange in The Multiverse of Madness takes us on an unknown journey where Marvel Studios has decided to push the boundaries of the multiverse. Our team have just watched it on Disney+ and loved it, we are so happy to have both Disney and Marvel as a part of our licencing portfolio!
Several months after the events of Spider-man: No Way Home, Stephen Strange finds himself confronted with several different realities (simply called the multiverse). Doctor Strange will call upon Wanda Maximoff, now known as Scarlet Witch, and we will quickly learn the extent of her powers. A new character appears (and not the least) Strange will meet a teenager America Chavez who can create portals to other realities.
The famous Doctor Strange played by Benedict Cumberbatch has been a regular at Marvel Studios since the first film released in 2016. We get to see some new acting and multiple personalities from Stephen Strange and we are not disappointed. Wanda Maximoff (Scarlett Witch) played by Elisabeth Olsen gives her character a new lease of life and we see the Witch in a new light. A new character arrives in this new film America Chavez played by Xochitl Gomez. Playing a young teenager from another universe, the new MCU heroine is part of Phase IV. Given her power, this may not be her only appearance. And many more, but we will not spoil anything…
We do suggest before you watch this film that you are up to date with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and watch these films/series before hand; ‘Doctor Strange’, ‘Wander Vision’, ‘Spiderman: No Way Home’, ‘What if…?’ and we would suggest you make sure you caught up with all other Marvel films or series especially Avengers.
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