Meet The Powerpuff Girls

The Powerpuff Girls is an American superhero animated television series on Cartoon Network and distributed by Warner Bros. The show centres on Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup, three kindergarten-aged girls with superpowers. The girls all live in the fictional city of Townsville with their father and creator, a scientist named Professor Utonium, and are frequently called upon by the city’s mayor to help fight nearby criminals and other enemies using their powers. As Powerpuff girls are within our licencing portfolio we thought we would introduce you to the three main characters!

Bubbles: She has short blonde hair tied up into two pigtails that are tied together with two blue hair ties. She has pale skin and has huge, round blue eyes. She wears a blue dress with a black stripe in the centre along with tights and shiny, black shoes. She is the ‘sugar’.

Blossom: She has long orange hair tied up into a ponytail pinned with a heart-shaped hair clip and she wears a huge giant red bow on top of her head. She has pale skin and has huge, round bright pink eyes. She wears a bright pink dress with a black stripe in the centre along with white tights and shiny, black shoes. She is ‘Everything nice’ as well as the leader of the team.

Buttercup: She has short black hair. She has pale skin and has huge round green eyes. She wears a green dress with a black stripe in the centre along with white tights and shiny, black shoes. She is the ‘spice’.

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